November 22, 2007

Yuu Abiru Criticized For Defending Erika

Erika's close friend, actress Yuu Abiru is now being criticized for trying to defend Erika. Abiru probably thought that nobody would talk about this scandal anymore, but her harsh criticism in order to defend Erika backfired and now her thievery-scandal is back in the headlines. In 2005, NTV brought up the news that Abiru has been involved in a group theft when she was a 3rd grader. A 2month punishment by her talent agency "HoriPro" and a police questioning has been the result of the uproar followed by the news. Abiru then stayed under the radar for almost two years and came back in November 2007 with a full-scale schedule. She often appeared on various shows, released a photobook, a mook and even got the leading role in the horror movie "Tomie vs Tomie". During one of these events, they somehow started to talk about her friend Erika. ZAKZAK quotes her the following:
"Nobody except Erika herself knows the reason for her sudden bad mood during the event. Whether it was a bad or a good attitude is not really the problem, the problem is that people anonymously started to write very bad things about her. I really hate people who do that." The Fuji evening paper later commented that Abiru's comment has been more than thoughtlessly, confronting a huge enemy.
The net soon is filled with counterattacks, asking her "how she can say that attitude isn't the problem, when she doesn't even know the reason herself." and things like that. On 2ch the users didn't stop writing about the speech of Abiru and soon became a popular topic.
Entertainment critics also say that it was very foolish of her to comment on a delicate matter like this and newspapers commenting like "Who does she think she is?" or "Did she learn nothing from her own scandal and the uproar of the public back then?".
All her recent efforts like the marathon she attended, her mook and the new movie seem to be worthless already. The media event wants a real explanation about the thievery scandal and not just an apology like 2years ago. Let's hope that this won't affect her career that much. After all she seems to be a good friend of Erika and even tried to defend her in public, even thought she could have done it in a more careful way..

information/translation from hpriest


solstar November 22, 2007 at 12:16 PM  

"Abiru has been involved in a group theft when she was a 3rd grader"

Are they serious? WHAT is wrong with the media there???

Don't show negative may cause a scandal! Always smile may cause a scandal! Don't look may cause a scandal!

Pre-schoolers, pay attention: If you plan on being a star when you're grown, you'd best be on your best behavior starting now. You never know when the dark secrets of your childhood misbehavior will be exposed to the harsh light of the Japanese press & you will cause a scandal!


Anonymous November 22, 2007 at 6:35 PM  

I agree with you Solstar, this is just disturbing.

Mac2492 November 28, 2007 at 9:03 PM  

I agree, Solstar. Being able to use a person's misbehavior in 3rd grade against that person is absolutely ridiculous, UNLESS the person is still in 3rd grade, or somewhere near it.

Abiru should have been a bit more careful, even though I agree with her completely.

Anonymous December 11, 2007 at 6:06 AM  

Yeah and I thought American media was bad.. Stealing when your in 3rd grade?! I stole in 3rd grade too and I got caught and never stole again, but that's the LAST thing I would think anyone would give me slack about -_-

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