Sawajiri Erika, 21, creates trouble again? Currently, Erika is in England with her sweetheart Takashiro Tsuyoshi, 43. Apparently Stardust seems to have a problem with Erika going to England. At the beginning of this year, Sawajiri Erika supposedly handed in an application to take time off and go to England, but the application was dismissed by Stardust. When asked whether or not Erika will still be appearing during 2008, Stardust said nothing about it. So in the end what will be the outcome of this "fight"?
From EWN
jesus christ
:looks at above comment:
Jesus Christ, indeed. Stardust certainly seems to imagine itself as some kind of supreme power. What's next...a prison---sorry---Stardust issued ankle bracelet to track her whereabouts?
May God save the Queen...
Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen
So this clip is from Gendai.net
Seems that everything from this web holds little credibility.
The other one is Naispo which is equally as bad and pathetic.
However, if this is indeed true, then the artist concerned really has a problem.
There are times when going against the protocol is straightly taboo and will result in undesirable consequences and irreversible damage. This gal had better learn that.
ummm against wishes? :c
I LOVE U ERIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x3
i hate everyone who doesn't like ERIKA!!!!!HAHAHAHA
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