September 28, 2007

Erika on Radio de Culture 9/28

It's the infamous appearance of Erika on "Radio de Culture" from today (Sep 28).
You wouldn't image how much of a buzz it started again. She sure didn't make too many friends at this show. Erika, with a stiffen face, seems to be completely angry throughout the show. The hosts have a hard time to finish the whole interview.
There is a completely unpleasant feeling from the start to the end.
Later, in the fan question part of the morning looks could kill..
It all became worse when she answered "None" to the question "What are your weak points?". Sure, it's good to be self-confident, but she said it in such a tone...
We all know that Erika sometimes has her five minutes, but this kind of attitude in public/the media only pushes the enemies of her.

Part 1:
Part 2:

taken from hp@esn


Isadora July 10, 2009 at 6:53 PM  

Hey, I didn't know where else to contact you, but could you please upload this interview somewhere?
I really want to download it, if possible.


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