October 9, 2007

Update on Erika's Contracts

We all know Erika's contract with Subaru has been terminated, but what about the others?
Suntory says that while they are receiving complaints about Erika from viewers, they have no plans to stop airing Erika's Pepsi commercials, or terminate the contract they have with her.
Kanebo Cosmetics stops airing Erika's commercials for their SALA beauty products on October 10th, but also do not plan to cancel Erika's contract. They do confirm though, that their COFFRET D'OR product campaign, starting in December, will still feature Erika.
Meiji, like Kanebo, has also stopped airing Erika's FRAN commercial, as of October 4th.
Sony Ericcson has made no comment on whether they plan on terminating Erika's contract. However, they do plan to continue the current W53S campaign, which is a good sign.

Information from J-CAST, Translated by Chris.


Anonymous October 9, 2007 at 1:24 PM  

ahh, great. I really liked the Fran commercial. What a shame =/

Anonymous October 9, 2007 at 3:51 PM  

Well I'm not impressed with her Meiji CMs, especially the Xylish gum ones. The Fran CM production is creative (excellent CG stuff), but the outcome is kind of freaky IMO.

The others are OK. The Sala series features some pretty cool French music, anyone interested should check out the Salafabrique compilation CD

Here is what I think. Those professionals in the advertising business should be able to make sensible judgements on when/why they should dump a talent. They know SE has the talent right from the beginning, so it's pointless to lose it due to her EQ dysfunction. And because she has shown much enthusiasm during the CM production workflow (much of the time I believe), there's no point to fire her. Her bad attitude and arrogance can be eventually fixed through more training, and this is SDP's responsibility.

The professionals in the advertising business should see that very well. They should also know that much of those public outcry is BS and unfounded, esp. since countless haters in the anti-SE coalition have used this very opportunity (SE's misdemeanor, her weakness) to coerce the others into shredding her.

I think those companies are making the right decision to retain her. As for FHI, I think it should have given her enough rope.

Anonymous October 9, 2007 at 7:51 PM  

Ok at least there are still real people out there who can think for themselves and stick to their guns. Subaru was pathetic, dropping her over one incident like that. If they had confidence in their products, they wouldnt worry so much about who was advertising it for them. Thats what I reckon anyway.

Anonymous October 10, 2007 at 8:40 AM  

according to this
one report says she was in a bad mood coz she didn't have enough time to put on makeup!!!

Anonymous October 10, 2007 at 7:22 PM  

I doubt that would be true but if it really is, then by God, she's got to be the most stupid person on Earth. But once again, I don't believe that thats true

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